A Mexican wrestler died from injuries he suffered in a Friday night tag-team match that also featured former WWE talent Rey Mysterio Jr.,Mexico’s Zeta reports. The paper uploaded chilling video to YouTubeshowing luchador Perro Aguayo Jr. who wrestled for Mexico’s AAA promotion under the name “El Hijo del Perro Aguayo” being loaded into an ambulance, which took him to a nearby hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. The 35-year-old was pronounced dead in the early hours of Saturday morning. Zeta reports the cause of death was whiplash.
It is unclear what caused Aguayo’s whiplash, but it appears to be an accident. Video of the event posted to YouTube shows Mysterio doling out a dropkick to Aguayo as a means of setting up his finisher, known as the “619.” Aguayo careened into the second rope, where his body went limp. Aguayo’s tag-team partner Manik was then sent into the ropes as well. Mysterio then sets up to execute his finisher, but appears to miss. At that point, the match continues for several more seconds until Mysterio stops to check on his opponent. At that point, medical staff rushes in to aid Aguayo before he is loaded into the ambulance.
Mysterio took to Twitter on Saturday afternoon to mourn Aguayo, who he refers to as a “brother.”
Apenas se formaba una amistad de hermanos que empeso años atras y no deberiamos cuestionar los designios de Dios. pic.twitter.com/HzlWE16wLS
— Rey Mysterio (@reymysterio) March 21, 2015
Pero en esta ocacion me pregunto porque y no lo entiendo, te extrañare y te llevare conmigo el resto de mi vida,descansa en Paz HijoDelPerro
— Rey Mysterio (@reymysterio) March 21, 2015
The pro wrestling community and fans immediately reacted on Twitter when they learned of Aguayo’s death on Saturday.
My heart goes out to Perro Aguayo Jr. and his loved ones! May God Bless!
— Rowdy Roddy Piper (@R_Roddy_Piper) March 21, 2015
We've lost a great friend and one of the best in Lucha history, we all crying for you mi amigo Pedro. #AdiosPerro
— Alberto El Patron (@VivaDelRio) March 21, 2015
Can't describe the feeling upon hearing of the Perrito Aguayo incident in Tijuana. My thoughts are with his family :(
— Rodriguez (@RRWWE) March 21, 2015
El Hijo del perro Aguayo Respect to fallen brother in arms! I and the WWE universe pray for your peace an comfort to your family!
— TheMarkHenry (@TheMarkHenry) March 21, 2015
Out industry has lost a great performer. I never met him but I have the utmost respect for his work. RIP Perro Aguayo Jr.
— Damien Sandow (@TheDamienSandow) March 21, 2015
— The Iron Sheik (@the_ironsheik) March 21, 2015
Deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Perro Aguayo Jr. I am completely shocked. A terrible wrestling tragedy. #RIPPerro
— Sami Zayn (@iLikeSamiZayn) March 21, 2015