Sophia lost her 2 front teeth! Busy #ToothFairy😍🎁🎀💸💸💸💸💸💸— Farrah Abraham (@F1abraham) July 12, 2015
Former "Teen Mom" star Farrah Abraham is no longer a teen mom. In fact, at 24 years old, she's an erotic novelist with a sex toy line, who dreams of one day being a plastic surgeon. She also must be making some serious bank, because she apparently gave her 6-year-old daughter Sophia S600 for losing her two front teeth.
On Sunday, Abraham shared a photo of her daughter flashing her new smile, and in the background a stack of hundred dollar bills (we count six) can be seen on the night stand next to her daughter's bed.
All we can say is that kind of cash for teeth exchange sets some serious expectations, and could cause some problems when her friends find out the Tooth Fairy probably won't be quite as generous when it's their turn for a visit.
CREDIT / SOURCE - Stephanie Marcus /