The man who invented Option C, the man who always finds himself with options, the man who people have been wondering where he would show up next, former 6x X-Division Champion and former World Champion Austin Aries returned to IMPACT!!!
Not only did Aries return, but he did so in a MAJOR WAY! Austin Aries came face to face with Global Champion Eli Drake and has completely flipped IMPACT upside down. Austin Aries was able to defeat Eli Drake and is now Global Champion! It will all happen on IMPACT in the coming weeks with immediate questions about the status of now Global Champion, Austin Aries.
Not only did Aries return, but he did so in a MAJOR WAY! Austin Aries came face to face with Global Champion Eli Drake and has completely flipped IMPACT upside down. Austin Aries was able to defeat Eli Drake and is now Global Champion! It will all happen on IMPACT in the coming weeks with immediate questions about the status of now Global Champion, Austin Aries.