It seems WWE commentator Corey Graves has some deep personal feelings towards UFC fighter and former WWE Superstar CM Punk but not in a good way. After CM Punk's lost at UFC 225 his second fight and second lost, Corey took to twitter with some messages that seem to be directed towards the straight edge superstar.
Corey has not mentioned CM Punk by name but Twitterville has been reading between the lines and have started to comment back to Corey which in return seems to have him just tweeting more about Punk. Corey even goes as far as to mention Vince McMahon and Triple H saying it's nothing towards them this is "real life". Not sure what the entire backstory is but it seems to have struck a nerve with Corey to go on a rant. No reply from CM Punk as of yet. Below are some of the tweets to the minute.
Corey has not mentioned CM Punk by name but Twitterville has been reading between the lines and have started to comment back to Corey which in return seems to have him just tweeting more about Punk. Corey even goes as far as to mention Vince McMahon and Triple H saying it's nothing towards them this is "real life". Not sure what the entire backstory is but it seems to have struck a nerve with Corey to go on a rant. No reply from CM Punk as of yet. Below are some of the tweets to the minute.
Maybe abandoning everybody who stood by your side, even when we weren’t supposed to, only to have you turn your back on us wasn’t the right move after all? No anger. Only sadness.— Corey Graves (@WWEGraves) June 10, 2018
Awww. Seems the “fans” are disappointed. Maybe you guys should know that “That Dude” held my first son before I did because I was on tour and I trusted him.— Corey Graves (@WWEGraves) June 10, 2018
I had dinner with him the week after he quit.
The first rule of “punk rock” is loyalty, and this guy betrayed it all.— Corey Graves (@WWEGraves) June 10, 2018
I still love you, “friend” and I’m sorry you got lost.
Don’t worry, hey @VinceMcMahon this has nothing to do with you.— Corey Graves (@WWEGraves) June 10, 2018
You either @TripleH
This isn’t corporate. This is real life.
Calm down internerds.